Kee Safety Kee Safety is a leading global supplier of fall protection and safe access products, services and training.
IMG 4023

Orlando Health Trusts Kee Guard for Comprehensive Rooftop Fall Protection

IMG 4045
There was a request for Kee Safety to perform a rooftop safety assessment to identify any hazardous areas that need protection.

Meeting Safety Standards Without Roof Penetration

  • Customer was looking for a non-penetrating solution to avoid rooftop penetrations and potential leaks.
  • We identified the use of Kee Guard to be the best solutions.
  • The fact that our solution was wind load tested added value to the customer due to hurricane threat.
  • The customer had utilized us at multiple locations in the past and saw how seamless our solution integrated with their facility which was an added benefit.
IMG 4027
Customer stated they were very impressed with the level of expertise and communication from start to finish of the project.

Enhancing Safe Access and Navigation

  • The customer and maintenance team have expressed satisfaction with our Kee Guard non-penetrating solution that eliminated leading edge hazards.
  • During our post-op inspection, we have identified additional areas we can assist in protecting in terms of safe access/rooftop navigation.

Project Photos


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